OnSpotBitCoinApp Solutions

OnSpot App, is a One point solution for Users, Businesses & Brands,where all are integrated on a single platform and users can get their required Brands and Products around them thru App. App can detect your required Brands and Products and show you the Prices, Availability and Purchase Online . Once, Users buy the Products they are given “BitCoin Tokens” as Rewards

“Users” are registered and unregistered users who wish to use the discovery, crowdsourcing and social forum features . “Businesses” are businesses and individuals which can be discovered by Users on OnSpot, including service providers, retailers, merchants, e-commerce stores, traders and direct-to-consumer selling manufacturers and agents. “Brands” are manufacturers of products, providers of services or individual product brand names that can be discovered by Users on OnSpot. “Communities” are groups of Users that have a common interest (as defined by the Community Tags) that Users can join (and leave) on OnSpot. “Relationships” are one-click opt-in/opt-out connections between Users and Businesses, Brands and Communities. Relationships are anonymous, Users’ personal identifying information is not shared with Businesses, Brands and Communities. “Customers” are Users who have established a Relationship with: a Business by favoriting, endorsing, reviewing, messaging, adding, adding Tags, Brand Tags or Media to Businesses on OnSpot; by bookmarking a Business’s Promotion; by being a member of a Community sponsored by a Business; with a Businesses by being added and/or invited as a Customer by the Business on OnSpot with a Brand by favoriting, endorsing, reviewing, adding, messaging, adding Tags, Brand Tags, Points-of-Sale or Media to Businesses on OnSpot; by bookmarking a Brand’s Promotion; by being a member of a Community sponsored by a Brand. with a Brand by being added and/or invited as a Customer by the Brand on OnSpot

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